John Fox has over 35 years experience and is a fully licensed Explosive Technician to provide you with Special Effects
Gun Shot Wounds - Bullet Hit Squib - Large and Small Explosions and any other Pyro FX & SFX type of effects
Examples below are only a few of the possibilities available to you as a Film Maker

John Fox - Motion Picture Armourer and Weapons Specialist for the Film and Television Industry


John Fox
John @

Bomb Blast with Stunt Action

This effect creates a wall of explosive flame two stories high
to create the illusion of a massive explosion.
With this type of effect an actor can be in the foreground


Fireball 1

Fireball 2

Fireball 4 Fireball 3

This effect creates the illusion of a Large Explosion and can be achieved in a number of ways depending on the look required or the limitations of the location. Actors can be in close proximity to the explosion but the safe distance would depend on a number of factors that must be determined prior to the effect.



Gun Shot Wounds
Gun Shot Wound

This effect creates the illusion of a gun shot to the body with blood flying in all directions. This type of effect can be used on male and female actors without harm, although pre-production time should be allowed and costume considerations should be discussed to achieve the best look on film.


Car Pipe Ramp & Explosion

Stuntman Marky Lee Campbell
puts his car up the pipe ramp and through the massive explosion.
With this type of effect an actor can be in the foreground ( in the safe zone )
as the car passes in the background

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